Christmas Friendship Festivities – the treasure hunt
Ok readers, those of you who have followed me for a few years already will know that I love all things Christmas. I know some of you are groaning at the mere mention when we haven’t even hit December yet… But this one takes some planning in advance. And honestly, if you start now and reduce your December stress, you may actually start to feel more positive about the festive season! One of the best parts about Christmas is the opportunities or reasons it presents us to connect and spend time with our friends just having fun.
In a few of my posts I have referenced doing a treasure hunt to make gifting more of an “experience” even if the gift itself isn’t all that exciting. So, in the spirit of fun, I decided to post a recipe for a Christmas gift treasure hunt.
NOTE: This is NOT an affilliated post.
Christmas tags or paper to write clues on
Suitcase or bag that can be padlocked shut. If using case with a 4digit numerical lock you will need a pack of playing cards and for a 3 digit lock you will need red, white and green jellybeans)
Keyed luggage padlock (or any suitable keyed padlock)
Lockable diary with key
Lockable book safe with key
Zip ties
Pair of scissors
Board game
Physical Dictionary
Reusable advent calendar
Place or hang the advent calendar in the room.
Place the board game on the table or somewhere around the room unhidden.
Make a little stack of books or books on a shelf in the room.
Put their gift in a suitcase locked with a small keyed luggage padlock.
(If you are using a suitcase with a numerical lock, instead of hiding the key in the advent calendar in the next step, write a clue that says “Christmas engagements seem romantic don’t they? First you exchange a heart and a diamond, but in the END you’ll wish you had a club and a spade!” Use the heart card for the first number of your code, the diamond for the second number, the club for the third number and the spade for the fourth number. Example if your code is 1234 you would use the ace of hearts, the 2 of diamonds, the 3 of clubs and the 4 of spades.
If you only have three numbers, use the clue “the Christmas colours are red, white and green, how many of each colour can be seen? Once the code is spoken, your treasure chest should open” You will need however many red jelly beans as your first digit, however many white jellybeans for your second digit and however many green jellybeans for your third digit. Example if your code is 999 you would need 9 of each colour of jellybeans.)
Write a note from the grinch that says “You win. Merry Christmas” Hide the key (or relevant code clue) for the suitcase and the “you win, Merry Christmas” note from the grinch in your advent calendar in the last box or pocket. Bonus points if you fill the other pockets with other chocolates or treats they can keep. If you are using jelly beans, hide your green ones here.
Write a clue in a key lockable diary that says “You’re so close, you’re nearly at the END of your ADVENTure. (clue for last pocket or box in advent calendar.)
Close and lock the diary.
Put the diary next to a dictionary and a safe lock book among some other books.
Hide the key for the diary and the clue about the diary inside the lockable book safe. If you are using playing cards, hide the spade card here also. If you are using jellybeans, hide your white ones here.
Open the dictionary to the word Christmas and highlight the date (25 December) Add a sticky note that says can you cut the code? If you are using playing cards use the club card here.
Set a 4 digit code lock to 2512 or 1225 depending on how the date would appear in your hemisphere.
Use the lock to lock a pair of scissors in the handles so they don’t open.
Write a clue that says “what is the meaning of Christmas? Can you find it?” (Clue for the dictionary.)
Put the scissors and the meaning of Christmas clue in the board game placed on the table or somewhere around the room. If you are using playing cards, hide your diamond card here too.
Write a clue that says “You are smart, you must read a lot. Have you read “name of book safe title.” Example my own safe book is called “etiquette essentials by I. M. Aladee so my clue would read “You are smart! You must read a lot. Have you read Etiquette Essentials by I.M. Aladee?”
Put book safe clue and key for booksafe inside a cupboard or drawer and zip tie it closed. If you are using playing cards, put your heart card here. If you are using jellybeans place your red ones here.
Write this clue “They never let poor Rudolf, join in any reindeer……” (The answer is games) and make it into a Christmas ornament to hang off the tree or stick it to an existing ornament.
Write a Christmas card saying that their gift was locked away by the grinch inside the suitcase (or bag or whatever you have that can be padlocked shut) and they will need solve a series of clues and riddles to prove their Christmas spirit and unlock their treasure chest. Add not to worry too much because the grinches has lots of bark but no bite like something else in this room. (This is a clue to the christmas tree.)
Put the card on top of the suitcase or bag.
The card on the case will lead them to the tree, the tree will lead them to the board game, the game will reveal the scissors, the scissors will lead them to the dictionary which will reveal the code to the scissors and a clue to cut the zip tied drawer or cupboard. Inside the cupboard you will find clue for book safe and key for book safe. Inside the book safe you will find the key and clue for the diary. The diary will lead to the advent calendar, which has the key and a note from the grinch saying “You win” (Or the relevant code clue) They may now use the key or code to unlock the treasure chest (suitcase or bag) to reveal their gift.
It should be fun and simple, and probably won’t take too long. Let me know how you go?!
❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever