You look forward to your time together; it doesn’t matter if you saw her yesterday or last year, you are always excited to see each other.
You keep up to date with one another’s lives. You know the details, not just the big things.
You both share your secrets, leaving each of you feeling heard, understood and valued. No Judgement!
You have ‘inside’ jokes. The kind that make you both spontaneously start laughing when you see something, and nobody else gets why it’s funny.
You laugh together.
But you’re also always there for the serious stuff and you genuinely want to help however you can.
You support, encourage, trust and empower each other. You don’t compete, and if you feel jealousy occasionally, as we all do, you ask one another for tips on how to make your own life that extra bit special.
You prioritise your friendship, regardless of what other relationships and responsibilities you have in your life.
You are honest with each other. It doesn’t matter if it is when one of you has broccoli in your teeth, or is battling with abuse or addiction; one way or another you find a gentle and supportive way of telling each other the truth.
Lastly, you forgive each other. It doesn’t matter if you had a falling out that lasted minutes or years; in the end you know you will forgive, because you trust that the incident was a miscommunication or a mistake, and you know nobody is perfect. We all need a little forgiveness sometimes.
Did I miss anything? Let me know!
❤ Love
Your Best Friend ForNever