I am the first one to admit I am wary of group friendships. After some negative experiences I learned the hard way not to put all your friendship eggs in the group basket. I prefer to have individual friendships. For a start it is safer, because if you fall out with one of them, you don’t automatically fall out with all of them. Secondly, individual friendships naturally allow for more intimacy and privacy to really get to know each other on a deeper level and talk about things you might not feel comfortable discussing with the group. Lastly, conversations tend to flow more freely between 2 people, with less tangents and equal talking and listening.
However, that’s not to say I haven’t found myself in group friendships from time to time, regardless of my preference to avoid them. Sometimes you are welcomed into somebody else’s group. Other times a duo, becomes a trio inadvertently. And sometimes a trio is formed naturally by association. I have experienced all three of these triad friendship scenarios, and only one of them has lasted the distance.
There has been a lot of attention right now on the triple friendship thanks to the third season of “The White Lotus” show on Netflix. The season features a somewhat relatable tale of a group of three female friends and a behind the scenes look at the potential for toxicity that exists. Naturally all is seemingly rosy when the triad are all together in the one room, but get any 2 individuals in the group away from the third and you can almost guarantee that the third will be the topic of conversation… or should I say criticism, ridicule and or judgement by the other 2.
It’s a risk you take, I suppose. We all know that women are prone to gossip, and often it is harmless enough. Other times, we might speak about the third party with genuine concern or even plan something nice like a surprise. It is NOT always bad…. But it certainly can be and based on the buzz the season is causing, I’d say that more people relate to the darker side of the trip than the vanilla and strawberry components of this particular Neapolitan sundae! So I thought I would share my experiences and try to make a comparison as to why one failed and one succeeded.
Firstly, the triad friendship that is thriving, was never intentionally formed as a triad. It so happens that the 2 other lovely ladies involved knew each other a while before either of them met me. Whereas in the one that failed, all three of us were relatively new to one another. I had met one of the people involved, and we had become fast friends. Which, in of itself is often a red flag. Anyway, after a few months perhaps, my new friend had made another new friend. They thought we would get along and were keen to make an introduction. They weren’t wrong. We got along great, as we shared a common interest in writing and content creation. We spoke the same language and this was someone who could read between the lines intuitively and hear what I was not saying. I love people like that.
As our bond blossomed however, the friend that introduced us became increasingly uncomfortable, feeling excluded when myself and this new person would communicate online privately or get together as a duo. It appeared my friend had considered us to be their friend, but never considered that we might foster a private connection too. This friend began running interference, lying to us both and manipulating situations to the point that I decided to extricate myself from the group altogether. It was nasty and ugly and didn’t reflect on any of us particularly well, however I still stand by my choice.
In the thriving threesome however, my 2 friends had already formed a close connection. Over the years, although I met them in a group setting, I formed a strong connection with one of them in particular and we became close. It wasn’t for many years later that the second friend and I actually started becoming friendly. These friendships formed very naturally and independently. Only after a time when both friendships had reached the point of closeness, did we even consider getting together as a triad. And when we did, it was for my birthday. I saw no reason not to do this, we were all friends. And it went swimmingly. We had such a great time, we decided to make it a regular event.
However, all of us understood that this was not an exclusive triad. We each have, and respect, our private connections as duo’s and that we can, will, and do maintain those individual connections. With plenty more to talk about than each other.
I will admit that I talk more openly with one party than the other, however myself and the second party share more in common in terms of life and our engagements with each other are far more frequent. I have no idea, and no need to know, how often the other 2 talk or get together without me. I do know that if we suggest something as a three and one isn’t interested, we are very open about the other 2 going ahead with the plan, however, if one person is unable to attend, but interested, we will work together to try and find a solution that includes us all.
The second situation is more mature, more evolved and more natural, where as the first one was more forced, orchestrated, and was supposed to stick to a particular narrative. It wasn’t flexible enough to change and evolve with circumstances and possessiveness and jealousy started rearing their ugly heads. Gossip, control, lies and manipulation crept in. Insecurity and some sort of assumed hierarchy or loyalty tore us apart.
I have no concerns at all about anything similar happening in the second triad, because we communicate and speak positively and don’t try to control the narrative, or each other. We respect each other as individuals and support the paths we are travelling. We respect one another’s opinions and experiences and input and rally when one of us needs it. We are there for each other, as individuals and as a group.
What I didn’t realise, or perhaps respect, in hindsight, was that I had been invited to someone else’s friend group in the first scenario. It wasn’t their intention that we would form friendships and they felt their loyalty was betrayed. So if you have been invited to someone’s friend group, know your place, and try to understand and respect the boundaries and limitations there. Then maybe it could work, but wont be as close.
If however, you have formed a trio more naturally because you all had the mutual friend anyway, then it has a greater chance of success on the basis that it doesn’t take priority or impede on the duo’s involved.
So, is three company, or is three a crowd? And is three allowed? I think it can be either company or a crowd and you’d be wise to know the difference before it is allowed!
❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever