10  Tips To Be A Better Friend To Yourself During Social Distancing

1. Go easy on yourself. You can’t be all things to all people. It won’t be possible to work from home, while teaching, cleaning and cooking. Lower your expectations of yourself.

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2. Feel whatever you feel, knowing there is no right or wrong way to feel and that these feelings change. You might be loving the change today and hating it tomorrow. Or feeling withdrawn and pessimistic one week but happy and social the next, and stressed out after that. There is no right answer.

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3. Try to indulge yourself in something that makes you happy everyday. Maybe it is ice cream, or binge watching Netflix or a 4 hour phone call to your mum or a comedy special a day. Whatever makes you feel a bit more positive and distracts you.

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4. Get Takeaway if you can, guilt free. The businesses need the money and you need a break from cooking and to spoil yourself.


5. Do something physical each day. Get your endorphins pumping, get your steps in, play back yard cricket. Whatever it takes to get you outside and moving even if it is only in your back yard.

Stress relief, everybody wins!

Stress relief, everybody wins!

6. Do something relaxing/pampering each day. Read a book, do an at home beauty treatment, watch your favourite movie, meditate or have a quiet coffee or wine alone wherever you can find a space.

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7. Journal. Keep notes of how you are feeling and be honest about it. This will be interesting for you and others in the future to reflect back on this part of history. Include the pros and cons of your situation, and the daily practicalities that may be interesting to reflect back on in years to come. Small details likely to be forgotten once this is all over.


8. Think of things you like to do for entertainment and find ways to recreate them at home. If you like to have cocktails at the club on the weekends, mix up a few at home and put the radio on. If you like to go to the cinema, grab some popcorn and turn off the lights with a film. If you like to have dinner with your friends, make a time to video call with them all as you sit down to eat. Play games. Together, and alone. Video games, board games, on your phone, virtually with friends. Keep your mind active and your social skills functioning?

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9. Make new goals. Some of your life goals may need to go on hold or relax a little right now. But it doesn’t mean you can’t set other goals. Finish a jigsaw, sort out the linen closet or write your book. Humans do well when we have things to strive towards, however small, and enjoy a sense of accomplishment and control in chaos.

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10. Be kind to yourself.


There is no right or wrong ways to handle this. There is no right amount to keep in touch with others or to eat or to exercise. These are just suggestions of ways to keep your mental health strong. If you are really struggling then make sure you utilise all the mental health services currently available to you. 

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever

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