1. She will always love you more than anyone else.
2. She will always forgive you.
3. She always knows just what to say or do to make you feel better.
4. She will never walk away from you.
5. She is always there for you.
6. She is irreplaceable!
7. She never forgets your birthday!
8. She knows you better than you know yourself.
She dreamed you into life and she knew you before you were born!
9. She is your biggest cheerleader, genuinely invested in your happiness and success.
10. You’re more similar than you like to think. We all turn into our mothers after all!
Happy Mother’s Day to my most missed Friend during this time of social isolation. This post is for you Mumma. (Hint, the post also works if you read it as Ten Reasons Why Your Daughter Is Probably The Best Friend You’ll Ever Have!) Love you
❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever