Couple Goals for Frouples! (Friend Couples!)

Welcome to January and 2023 folks! Do you have any new years resolutions? If you’re anything like me, they’re probably the same ones you always set but never achieve? Lol Some people are great at setting goals and achieving them all by themselves, while others of us do better when we are part of a team, working towards a common goal. This might be because we don’t want to let other people down, or it might be because we are competitive or it might be because we do better when someone is there holding us accountable to those goals.

Whichever category you fall into, setting some combined or common goals can be a great way to strengthen your friendship and to achieve things you might not otherwise achieve. It doesn’t matter if the goal is work oriented, life oriented, travel or financial based or some sort of health and fitness goal.

You could set these goals with one friend, or a few at a time. Depends on how much you think you can commit to as a whole without impacting your life and  your time too heavily. You may decide to plan and save for a girly getaway at the end of the year with one friend, committing to putting aside $100 a week towards it each, while with another friend you agree to go early morning walking twice a week for a year and do your measurements and record them for one another once a month.

Similarly you may agree to do a weekly evening dinner with a friendly colleague to work and brainstorm, or even to do the weekly catch up but no discussing work. Or you may decide to try a new hobby together, take a class or learn a language together. Perhaps if you were both single you could agree to swipe for one another or go on at least one double date a month. If you are married with kids maybe one Saturday a month you agree to have each other’s kids, or get together to clean one house then the other the following fortnight.

These are all just suggestions, of course you will know what is important to you or what you would like to achieve, and which friends might be the right ones to join you in support. It gives each of you a reward at the end, and each of you a chance to be the motivator when the other gets low or loses interest. It also keeps you accountable to doing what you said you would do, or the other person could lose their reward.

It could bring you closer as you spend more time collaborating on your plans and orchestrating them, and allows each of you to really see and understand your strengths and weaknesses. It also highlights what motivates each of you so you can better support each other in all areas of your lives.

Of course, it isn’t without its risks. If someone does drop the ball the other party could be hurt, or you may find that their lack of motivation at times fuels your own and you could easily both give up. Which is why you have to commit to the goal, set a time period, and commit to being positive and staying on track when the other person feels like giving up. You also have to commit to checking in to make sure the goal is still achievable and if it isn’t, how to adjust it to meet the circumstances. For example putting aside less money and going on a less expensive trip, or changing the days/times you meet etc….

All goals do require commitment and accountability but also flexibility and fun. Nobody will commit to something  that is making them miserable without much reward, so it is a good excuse to also be setting yourselves up for success with rewards along the way and enjoyment mixed with encouragement and ways to meet the goals instead of excuses not to!

At the end of the day, there is no guarantee that this will work. Most resolutions fail for a reason. But it might be worth a try. It might even be fun and  you might even benefit if you do happen to have success?

What are your goals this year? Could a friend help you achieve them? What are your friends goals? Could you help them get success?


❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever