Six signs you are spookily in sync

With Halloween fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to do another post about how spooky having a best friend can be. Because it can be difficult to put into words. You feel like 2 people sharing one common mind at times. It can be scary, which I wrote about here!

1.      In jokes

When every second word that comes out of your mouths makes you giggle to the utter confusion of the people around you, you know that you and your friend are connected in ways that are beyond understanding or explanation to the general public.

2.      Body language

When you are sitting in an important meeting together, and you suddenly feel a shift in your friends body language. They look down and away, and you instinctively know if you make eye contact you are both going to lose it laughing. Or when they tell you a funny story, but their arms are crossed and you just know it isn’t actually all that funny because it hurt them.

  3.      Finishing each other’s sentences (or sandwiches!)

Your friend is relaying something to you, and you automatically know the end to the story, or can predict what they said, and routinely jump in with your predictions, or help them out when they forget what they were saying! Or when you just know you’re going to order different things off the menu and share. When you steal chips from their plate and aren’t afraid to eat their leftovers, even if they bit into it first! You know you are pretty comfortable when you swap spit!

  4.      Calling each other at the same time, or calling just when the other was thinking or talking about you!

Ok this one pretty much speaks for itself, but isn’t it uncanny? How did they know? Can they read your mind? Or maybe you are always talking about them?

 5.      Mind Reading or sixth sense

Calling right on cue isn’t the only way you read each other’s minds either. Maybe you were craving pizza and they show up to your house with pizza. Or your outfits totally colour match even though you never discussed what colour to wear.

6.      Secret language

This one is my favourite. I suppose it kind of encompasses all of the above, because between in jokes and body language and facial expressions you can read each other without saying a word. Or by saying a word or phrase that means nothing to everyone else, but means something entirely different to you guys. You may have given code words to people, places or things, or it may just be a glance and you both know exactly what is meant by that, without any explanation needed.

PS if you are looking for fun best friend costume ideas, check out this post from last year!

Happy Halloween folks, hope your friendships are sweeter, scarier and spookily in sync!

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever