Festive Friendship Festivities

As this magical time of year rolls around again, it is time to start thinking of ideas for our friends. Sometimes friends can be the hardest to think of ideas for. We want to give them something meaningful and thoughtful, but let’s be honest, you also probably don’t have much cash to splash at the same time.


Luckily friendships is free, and if it is a labour of love, your gifts can be too. Or cheap, anyway! Lol

I’ve written a post about this before, and if you’re looking for the picture perfect gift, you want this post “5 meaningful gift ideas for your female friends this festive season”. To make sure your friends aren’t having a crappy Christmas, check out “Friendship is a gift of giving.” For a tip on gift giving in general read “The art of gift giving – one simple tip.”

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This year I want to focus on gift certificates, and relate them back to your friends love language.  I know that gift certificates are not synonymous with thoughtful gift giving, so stay with me. I am not talking about any gift vouchers you can buy at the shops. I am talking about the kind you make yourself.

First off, think about your friends love languages. (This book written by Gary Chapman.) The 5 love languages are:
Words of Affirmation (compliments and uplifting words and terms like proud, beautiful, amazing)
Acts of Service (cooking them a meal, babysitting, helping set up for a party)
Receiving gifts (thoughtful meaningful gifts that show you listen and you care)
Quality Time (spending uninterrupted time together in which you are present and not distracted.)
Physical Touch (feeling connected by skin to skin contact, hugs, holding hands, high fives, hair stroking.)

After you have decided what you think resonates with your friend, think about how many times a year you currently see them. Are you satisfied with the quantity of time? Are they? How about the quality? Say for example you currently see your friends 4 times a year, once every 3 months, but you would like (or you think they would like) to see each other a bit more, you could aim for 6 gift certificates and make it once every 2 months?

If I only had the power, this would be the one gift to give!

If I only had the power, this would be the one gift to give!

Once you know how many certificates you want to make, you can choose from the following ideas depending on her languages and her circumstances, print them off, stick them to card and decorate! Alternatively you could buy a diary or calendar and pencil your ideas in there. (Make sure you take notes in your own calendar about what you proposed and when! If you aren’t sure which love language best describes your friend, then I suggest a mixture of them all.

Ideas for a friend whose love language is “Words of Affirmation.
❤Gift certificate for a secret letter you have written that will be given at a time when your friend is having a hard time or feeling down. Maybe include a picture of the sealed envelope so they know you have already written the letter.
❤Gift certificate for a treasure hunt in which the clues also contain compliments
❤Gift certificate for a speech by you at their next big celebration
❤Gift certificate for a video you made where you talk about how amazing they are and how much you value their friendship

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Ideas for a friend whose love language is “Acts of Service
❤Gift certificate for a home cooked meal by you
❤Gift certificate for babysitting/being the designated driver
❤Gift certificate for feeding the pets when they are away
❤Gift Certificate for “one free favour of your choice.”

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Ideas for a friend whose love language is “Receiving Gifts
❤Gift Certificate for “that cute pair of earrings you saw last month”
❤Gift Certificate for a shopping trip with me where you can spend $x (on me)
❤Gift Certificate for one emergency tub of your favourite ice-cream after a bad day. Delivered!
❤Gift Certificate for the gift that keeps on giving (one small surprise gift each month for a year)
NOTE: As this person loves receiving gifts, I recommend vouchers individually wrapped, perhaps with other token gifts like their favourite sweet treat, a bottle of wine and a photo of you both in a frame.)

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Ideas for a friend whose love language is “Quality Time
❤Gift Certificate for a movie night at their place where you bring the snacks
❤Gift Certificate for a hike and a picnic (depending on their interests)
❤Gift Certificate for a board game night together – phone free
❤Gift Certificate for a whole day/date together doing something you both love (comedy, theatre, movies, day spa’s, shopping, skating, driving, visiting art galleries, knitting – whatever it is you both enjoy.)

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Ideas for a friend whose love language is “Physical Touch” - a little more challenging when it comes to platonic relationships - but not impossible.
❤Gift Certificate for a long hug after a hard day no questions asked.
❤Gift Certificate for a pamper session where you do their hair/nails/facial
❤Gift Certificate for a massage (either from you or a professional.)
❤Gift Certificate for a back/head tickling session for 15 minutes.

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None of these ideas have to cost the world, they all make reasons for you to spend time together and each of them are thoughtful and personal and appeal specifically to your friend. Certificates are easily downloadable at websites such as this one. https://www.123certificates.com/gift.php You don’t have to use my idea’s – be as personal and creative as you wish. Your friend will love it – and you!

Don’t forget to share your ideas too!

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever

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