Spreading Love to your Solo Friends at Xmas

Please Note: While this post is specifically about our single friends, it applies equally to anyone in our lives who may not be blessed with lots of family or friends at this time of year to surround themselves with or who may find the holidays especially hard or lonely, whether they be single or not…..

I have a single friend who lives alone. Every Christmas I buy her a little Christmas stocking so she can have something to open on Christmas morning, and feel some of the Christmas magic. It just includes little things, a few treats for the dogs, a box of chocolates, a cheap bottle of wine, some sort of soaps or scented candles… you get the drift. If I can sneak it into her house, I will. I try to hide it somewhere she wont look and then send a message on Christmas morning saying “Santa has been! Look under your spare bed…” or something. I like it if she films herself opening them or takes photo’s of herself with her gifts.

It’s just a little way that I show her that I care, and want to make her Christmas special because I love Christmas morning and I wish she wasn’t alone. Why don’t I just invite her here then? Because she hosts a brunch, for all her other single friends later on Christmas morning. What a wonderful idea, to surround yourself with the other people in your life who might not have company otherwise.

The thing is, it can be especially tough being single at Christmas time, even if your friend is generally content to be single most of the time. Christmas day for me, can be hectic, trying to fit in our own private family time in the morning so the kids can open their gifts, then packing away hopefully before heading to lunch at my husband’s parents then hurrying along from that to my own parent’s place for dinner. However, if you are single, without kids, and your family is doing a dinner, that leaves you alone all day at a time when you believe the rest of the world is surrounded by love and cheer.

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Not to mention you can’t halve the expense with anyone, have to be your own designated driver and make your own lunch if your family thing is at dinner time. So, what are some ways you can reach out to your single friends on Christmas Day?

If you can invite them to something with you and yours, then do so. They might decline, but doesn’t mean they weren’t touched to be invited. If you can’t include them in your day, then, here is some ideas to let them know you were thinking of them.

If you are cooking a meal in advance, pop aside a spare plate and take it to them on Christmas Eve. If possible, include a movie or a puzzle or a book they might enjoy to give them something to relax and enjoy quietly. Actually you could do this even if you aren’t bringing them food.

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Message them throughout the day. Many people I know send a Merry Christmas message out to their nearest and dearest on Christmas morning, however if you can spare a minute or so, check in with them a few times during the day. If you know you will be busy and can’t be tied to your phone, search for some funny memes, meaningful quotes or cute pictures that might make them smile. This just lets your friend know you haven’t forgotten them. I like to take a picture of my friend’s pets and make it into a cute meme that says “Merry Woofmas Meowmy.”

If you see any voluntary things your friend might enjoy participating in, send them the link or suggest it to them in person. Sometimes helping others is the greatest gift you can give.

Send them on a scavenger hunt for their present. You could set this up in their garden the day before for example, if you can see a safe/dry/warm place to hide the gift.

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Write them a meaningful card/letter to be opened on Christmas day. Include all the things you love about them, how much you value the friendship and fun memories you have shared. You could include all the things they have achieved and make reference to the things they are striving for and have to look forward to in their future, reminding them that they are not alone, you are never far away.

If your friend lives far away, arrange flowers or something to be delivered on the day as a surprise if possible.

Do your own Christmas celebration with them on a different day, make it just as merry with foods, gifts, music and laughter. Boxing day is often a good choice.


If all else fails, just make time to call them. In the morning, in the evening, whenever. Just put aside 5 minutes and call. If they don’t answer, leave a voice message and let them know you thought of them today and you wanted to send some love.

What are the things you do for your friends in the Festive Season? Merry Christmas Folks!

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever

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