Friends who love and accept you, just the way you are.

I have posted before about making friends with people who bring out the best in you, and being mindful of the fun, but also dark friendships that tend to maybe bring out the worst in you too. I stand by those posts, however, today I want to talk about the friends who always love and accept you just the way you are.

These are the friends who know your new year’s resolution is always to hit the gym, but they don’t love you any less, if you don’t do it. They certainly encourage you if you do. They do not sabotage you. But if you decide not to stick with it, they don’t pressure you either. It is your life and they are not invested in the change, because they love you either way.

These are the friends who know you have a short temper when you are stressed, but they still give you the honest truth when it isn’t what you want to hear, and don’t hate you if you get cranky about it. They’re not your punching bag, but they also understand sometimes you get mad, and they aren’t scared off by that, or by you. They love you, all of you, the pro’s and cons.

These are the friends who support you when you need it. They listen to you and validate your feelings even when they are a bit extreme and the ones who help you when you are in a bind, just because they can, not because they get anything out of it.

These are the friends who are not embarrassed when you order a hot chocolate because you don’t like coffee or the friends who dance with you on the dance floor even though you are as unco-ordinated as a baby giraffe!

These are the friends who sit with you when you are sad and don’t tell you not to be sad. They don’t tell you everything is going to be ok. If they can’t help you fix it, they sit with you until you are ready to smile again.

These are the friends who laugh with you even when you aren’t that funny, and not at you when other people are laughing at you. They cry with you too.

These are the friends who don’t call you needy or insecure, but ask you how they can better meet your needs so you can feel more secure. They offer reassurance when you need it and care enough to try.

These are the friends who read you like a book. They tell you that you are just predictable, but nothing is predictable without first spending time observing and investing in it. They have invested.

These are the friends who hang out with you when you are broke, who are happy to just go for a drive or sit on your couch and watch tv. The friends with whom the silence is comfortable.

These are the friends you can talk about anything and everything with. They wont judge you when you have horrible spiteful thoughts and wont care if you have your pyjamas on. They have seen you dressed up and dressed down and they always have a positive word to say.

These are the friends that are there for you no matter the weather. They have lasted more than a season and seem to be beyond reason. They just like you, no matter what.

These are the friends that proudly tag you on social media, and celebrate your connection publicly, and the ones who like and follow all your stuff no matter how random or boring it is to other people.

These are the friends who know your family and make an effort with them.

These are the friends who notice when you are quiet and reach out to see if you are ok.

These are the friends who know when you are not ok even if you don’t say so.

These are the friends who don’t stomp on your dreams and always find ways to include themselves in your future. They grow with you not from you. These are also the friends who try to understand your past.

If you have friends like these, you have all the friends you need.

I hope you have friends like these. Thank you to mine. You know who you are!

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever

